
A Matrix lover!

  My favorite movie it is matrix, the three of them. That movie blows my mind. I don’t want to do spoiler to them that have not seem yet, but if you have don’t seen it yet I recommended you 300%. I have seeng it like 4 or 5 times, the three movies!!!!!!                 I like t he movie that have a lots of plop twist and that have a interesting story time, with action, drama, fantasy, and that give you a lot to think. I like philosophical movie to. Like the prophet, that it is a animated movie based on a book of Khalil Gibran, that it is and amazing book, please read it! It is short and have a lot of teachings about life.                 The last movie I see was with a friend, my roomie, and was Matrix 2 I named it at the beginning of the post, in enjoy it a lot. Oh yes I recommended it, but you have to see the first matrix or you are going to confused about the storyline.                 In conclusion, SEE MATRIX!!! You are going to thank me.

Summer time!

                    In this Summer I think that im going to work, I have been working in putaendo dince 2014, I work in a place that that reent his dependencies to spiritual works, like yoga, zen meditation, eneagram course, etc… I am part of the staff in the kitchen, im am like a specie of waiter, but I do to cleaning works in the baths, in the rooms, and in all the place, it is an amazing place to be and to work. It is a big paces like 10 000m2 and it is very quite and peaceful.                 I think that in the summer I am going to stay in the place that im live, San felipe city, that it is a really good place to be, it is quite and in summer have a lot of activities to do, but I don’t know right now how it is going to be in pandemic times. I think that im going to camp with my lovely girlfriend here in the soundroundings of the city, it have a lot of place to camp. I woud like to do swim in the pools that the city have but their its closed, for the pandemic I hope that they c

Netflix time!

Oh yes! I have a lot of favorite series, but my prefer it is and I would be for a long time I think, Black mirror. I like it a lot because it is a distopical series of things that goes wrong with the humanity in the future (not only in the future but the most of their caps it is about that thematic). I like that the series that have a lot of plop twists, and when you think: “A this part it is about this particular things and it is obvious how it ends…” but suddenly something happens,   generally in the ends of caps, that changes everything, and you say; “oh come on, how it is possible, I never would have thougth about that possibility storyline, that is amazing”                 I like the most the distopical series, I don’t know why but I likes them a lot, the scenes in the future that goes wrong it is like: “that really could happen, I know that it is a fiction but this could be true in some or another way”.                 I would like to see “doctor Who” that it is a British ser

Psichology rules

I would like to have the job of clinical psychologist (I study psychology), preferably in a CESFAM or in COSAM, because a lot of people tell me that in that places its is quite peaceful and with no pressures about the job, at least in the psychological area. I prefer the job indoor, but I think that if it is possible I would like to talk with my patients in a outdoor area, like a garden or walking, I have hear that some CESFAM have in to their dependencies a green area with places to sit and relax. I never have made the question if I would like to travel with my job, but now that I think about it I can say that yes I would like to travel, not a lot because the fear of get tired, but I would like to do my job in another countries, to know about other peoples and theirs mental issues. About the salary I would like to win the minimum lo live without economical worries and   to buy some instruments, I like a lot to play musical instruments. I Don’t think to take any major, because im bor

Samba place!

 My favorite holidays was in 2012, When I was in last grade in high school I go to brazil (samba sounds!). I went with all the course of the high school, it was very funny I had a very good time there, we stayed there like two or three weeks, I cant remember exactly right now. We did a lot of things, we go to parties, to acuatic park, we climb a lot of hills, and go to Brazilian beaches. The best so far was to share with my friends, because we was in the last year of high school and the we don’t  enter to university yet (and we go after to do the psu exam), cause of that was a travel free of worry and preocupations. If you go to brazil you have to take care very much about your back and your money, I don’t suffer any kind of robber but we see that that happen a lot in the street. If you have the opportunity go, it is a very nice please and people seems very happy and  funny, not like here in chile

Tibet rules!

  I like to go to Tibet, because of their culture, to be specific because of their religión: the Tibetan Buddhism, I really like their texts and their teachings about life and spirituality.   In the fantasy that I am going to go to Tibet I would do Tibetan practices that they have like, their sitting meditations, or his singing prayers, what by the way is beautiful, and very low in terms of music (like Tibetan bowls, that its sound in low frequencies). I know to that the  tibet have  had a long term problem with china (we have to remember that China in 1950 specifically the people´s republic of china entered the Tibetan área of Chamdo, defeat in the resistance of the Tibetan army), and today still been a regional province of republic of china.   That's a resume of born of the famous movement “free Tibet”, because of their problems with china. I would to live there, not for all the life, but yes by some sneaky time, to learn about them, to study and practice with them, I think that